My $400k Net Worth Journey

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I recently just crossed over $400,000 invested at 25. Here is my journey.

I posted this tweet last week about my net worth journey & it did pretty well. I had a few questions asking about my journey & what I learned. This newsletter is what I learned on my journey so far.

But first, to keep this newsletter free…

Pouring Profits: Why whiskey as an asset class.

Invest Like the Greats — What do Thomas Jefferson, LeBron James, and the British royal family have in common? They all invested in wine and whiskey. And with good reason. According to Knight Frank, wine and whiskey have been two of the best-performing alternative assets of the last decade. See how Vinovest makes it easy to invest like the ultra wealthy today!

My First $100,000 (7 years):

As Charlie Munger put it, that first $100k is a b*itch. For me, that was the hardest milestone to hit for a few reasons.

  1. Since I started as a teenager, my income was not good at all. I was investing $200 here or $250 there to grow my investments. So not having a good income did not help me on my first $100k.

  2. Compounding is the slowest. This is just a simple math equation. 10% gain on $10,000 is just $1,000. While that is great, it isn’t a massive help to growing the net worth.

  3. I was learning. I first started out trying penny stocks, which I learned the hard way are not the way to wealth. So my first $100k was full of a lot of learning.

From $100,000 to $200,000 (15 months):

This part of the journey was me realizing there is a way to increase my income via a business, so I started a side hustle & was investing that extra money into the stock market. While compounding did help, most of this growth came from my own income contributions.

From $200,000 to $300,000 (14 months):

During this time one of my online businesses was doing super well so my income grew quite a bit. I also added some crypto exposure & some higher risk assets to my portfolio. Why? Well, I had the solid foundation in my investments to take on a little higher risk assets. The market didn’t help me here as this was mostly during 2022 so I was fighting against the bad market.

Real quick, my podcast called The Decade Investor Podcast releases a new episode every Monday & Wednesday. This week I dropped two new episodes:

  1. My $400,000 Net Worth Investing Process

  2. He Hasn’t Sold a Stock in 2,234 Days. An interview with Tom, The Savings Captain

You can listen to them on any podcast playing app here:

From $300,000 to $400,000+ (7 months):

I believe there are 2 reasons for this huge growth in just 7 months.

  1. Higher risk assets doing well. Since I had some crypto exposure & the crypto market has done well in the last few months, this has helped my overall net worth grow.

  2. Compounding is slowly but surely helping even more. With $300,000 invested, a 10% gain is now +$30,000 in the account. This means for me to get from $300k to $400k would have only required $70k in new capital. However with my higher risk assets doing well, some of my investments in those are up 50%, so that is why my overall NW is up so quickly.

What I have learned:

Throughout these last few years of aggressively building wealth, I have realized that compound interest is actually very powerful. It is crazy to see compounding do work for my money on a bigger scale. It really gets me excited for when I have $500k, $700k & more invested. I also learned that if I would have given up in those years of building to $100k, I would have never gotten to where I am now. Don’t give up. Don’t quit.

All in all I hope my journey inspires you to start yours. I know it is tough sometimes, but it is worth it. I maaaaaay be able to help you soon 😉 

I want to help you too. I will be able to help you… soon. Stay tuned, I have something coming in the beginning of 2024 that will revolutionize the game for Decade Investors.

(x)Tweet of the Week:

Keep on stacking, keep on building.

Thank you so much for reading & I will see you next week! Until then, keep buying assets.🙂 

- Decade Investor


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