8% Returns Are NOT Boring

I see a lot on social media people saying 8% returns in the stock market are “boring”. Or that 8% returns in the stock market are not good enough.

I truly believe the reason they are saying that is just because they do not have enough money invested. While I understand it takes time to get more money invested into the stock market, calling 8% returns “boring” is just simply wrong.

I posted this on X the other day:

Think of it like this:

Person A has been investing for 5 years & has $30,000 invested. Person B has been investing for 15 years and has $400,000 invested. They are both invested in a diversified portfolio, which earned 8% in the past year.

The portfolio of Person A gained $2,400 in the past year.

The portfolio of Person B gained $32,000 in the past year.

The people who are calling 8% gains “boring” are probably the people who just do not have a lot of money invested yet.

They have not been investing long, so they have a smaller portfolio (which is fine). They see their gains of “only” $2,400 as “boring”. What they fail to remember is if they just stick with it, eventually they could have a $400,000 portfolio, where that same 8% gain means their portfolio will grow by $32,000.

You may be Person A right now. You may think an 8% gain in your portfolio is “boring” & I completely understand why you think that. But rather trying to take crazzzzzzzzzy risk trying to make a 50% gain, just focus on consistently investing every week. Stick to your plan. (Which if you don’t have a plan, I have something to help you coming soon!)

When I first started investing I was in your shoes. I felt like an 8% gain is boring. But I just kept with it. I kept investing every single month, stuck to the plan. Now my portfolio has grown to over $500,000 & that same 8% gain means my portfolio is will grow by $40,000!!! That is not boring.

I say all of this to say, don’t quit. Don’t give up. You will be surprised at what you can do, but you will never get there if you quit. I understand having a smaller portfolio may seem like you are doing all the heavy lifting, which mathematically you are. But do not give up. Most people give up because of that, but that is not you. The more you continue to grow your portfolio, the bigger those 8% “boring” returns get. Stick with it!

Real quick, my podcast called The Decade Investor Podcast releases new episodes every week. This week I dropped three new episodes:

  1. 39: How Much Money Can You Live Off Of In Retirement? | The 4% Rule Explained

  2. 40: Asking a Crypto Millionaire To Explain Bitcoin | Your Friend Andy

  3. 41: Does the Stock Market Do Better with a Republican or Democratic President?

You can listen to them on any podcast playing app here: https://thedecadeinvestorpodcast.buzzsprout.com/share

The goal of my newsletter, my podcast, my social media is to help educate you on money & make sure you set yourself + your future generations up for success with money!

I want to help you too. I will be able to help you… soon. Stay tuned, I have something coming VERY SOON that will revolutionize the game for Decade Investors.

(x)Tweet of the Week:

Just keep going!!!!

Thank you so much for reading & I will see you next week! Until then, keep buying assets.🙂 

- Decade Investor


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