My Investing Strategy

When I was 17 years old I started investing in the stock market. And BOY WAS I WRONG! I had $400 so what better to do then buy 4 random stocks I had no idea what they were. I had no idea what they did for business. I had not even heard of them. Fast forward a year later & most of that $400 was gone. I learned my lesson.

I came across ETF investing, which allows me to instantly diversify my money across many different sectors & companies at the click of a button. I was hooked. I started investing in ETFs every single month. $200 this month. $150 that month. I was in high school/college, so whatever money I could find to invest, I would.

Fast forward a few years, now at 24, I am still doing that strategy. Buying thousands of dollars every single month into ETFs. It is not flashy. But it freaking works. My investment portfolio is hitting all time highs even when the market is not at all time highs.

I keep it very simple. I buy 6 ETFs on a consistent schedule. I don’t try to time the market. I buy every single Friday. Why? It is a great way to end the week.

My Buys This Week

On top of my weekly ETF buys, I bought some individual stocks in my M1 Finance Dividend Growth Portfolio.

Those included: IP, HD, MMM, O, LOW, Bitcoin

I am excited to launch this weekly newsletter so thank YOU for subscribing. I plan to bring a ton of value to your inbox every single week. If there are any topics you would like for me to cover, feel free to send me feedback🙂


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