How Much Money is FU Money?

As I was scrolling through X last night, I came across this tweet that was causing a ruckus in the Finance Community:

Essentially the person who posted this is saying the equivalent of “F*ck You Money” is 3-6 months of living expenses saved in a bank account. That is enough money to tell your boss to “go f*ck themselves” because you have FU money.

My take:

First off, 3-6 months expenses is more like an emergency fund than FU money. The OP (original poster) was saying in the comments that if you tell your boss FU, you can just go get a new job & give yourself 3-6 months to find a new job.

What happens if you can’t find a new job in 3-6 months? You are then using more money than your savings. You are not at “FU money”, you are at “oh sh*t, I need money”.

When I think of FU money, I think of having enough money to tell anyone to “f*ck off” & you don’t need to rely on anyone else to get money. Having just 3-6 months saved up means the minute you tell your boss “f*ck off”, you are on the clock to get a new source of income.

What do my followers say?

A couple weeks ago I asked my followers what they thought FU money was… read the over 500 replies, notice it isn’t 3-6 months of expenses. It is millions of dollars.

I also asked my followers their take on the original post, which you can read here:

I see where the OP was coming from. If you have a few months expenses saved up, you technically could tell your boss to F off & go find a new job. However 3-6 months expenses is not FU money. 3-6 months expenses is an emergency fund. Calling 3-6 months of expenses FU money is irresponsible.

That is my take.

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Thank you so much for reading 🙂 

- Decade Investor


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